About Us

Who Are We?

uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality is one of the five municipalities in the jurisdiction of uMkhanyakude District Municipality, situated in the northeastern part of Kwazulu-Natal Province in South Africa

Our Municipality

The local municipality of Umhlabuyalingana is geographically located in the North Eastern confine of KwaZulu-Natal and is one of the six local municipalities that constitute the District of Umkhanyakude. The Municipality spreads for approximately 3621 km 2 in land magnitude has a rural classification of 99%, hence the referral to rural Municipality.

In terms of land tenure, estimated at 60 % of the municipal area falls under Ingonyama Trust ownership with four tribal councils who are the custodians of the land, with the remaining 40% co nsisting of commercial farms and conservation areas. Its population, according to published SA Stats figures is approximately 163 694 people, an average household size of 6 people per household of which 99%+ are black Africans and the other races make up a percentage of less than 1%, [source: Stats SA, Census 2001   2007 Community survey].

Organizational Strategic Objectives

  • To improve quality of life and create a pleasant living and working environment.
  • To create an environment that promotes investment and economic growth.
  • To involve local communities and stakeholders in municipal affairs in a structured manner.
  • To develop Umhlabuyalingana Local Municipality as a viable and sustainable local government.
  • structure.
  • To deliver services efficiently and effectively.